Language Proficiency Level
● Mimic gestures or movement associated with oral commands
● Match key words or expressions in songs, chants, and poems to illustrations
● Identify real-life objects based on descriptive oral phrases or short sentences
● Point to objects or people reflective of content-related vocabulary
● Answer questions about likes and preferences
● Identify words or phrases that express opinions
● Repeat words, phrases and memorized chunks of language related to different topics
● Answer yes or no questions about stories or experiences
● Answer questions with words or phrases
● Describe pictures or classroom objects
● Express preferences in naming and pointing to objects
● Repeat language to express agreement or disagreement
● Act out oral statements using manipulatives or real-life objects
● Point to objects, characters or places from oral descriptions
● Classify real-life objects according to their function based on oral directions
● Interpret oral descriptions and matching them to illustrations
● Evaluate options to make personal choices from oral simple sentences
● Signal agreement or disagreement with short oral statements using gestures
● State content-related facts in context
● Describe characters or places in picture books
● Demonstrate how to do something using gestures or real-life objects
● Describe what people do from action pictures
● Respond to short statements or questions about choices
● State likes and dislikes to participate in conversations with peers
● Sequence pictures of stories read aloud
● Follow modeled oral instructions related to content
● Follow peer statements to create projects
● Identify illustrated cycles or processes described orally
● Classify objects according to descriptive oral statements
● Follow conditional directions
● Retell simple stories from picture cues
● Participate in dialog with peers on familiar topics
● State associations between two objects, people, or events
● Tell why something happened
● Describe characters or objects using pictures or actions
● State choices of materials or supplies and reasons for their selection
● Identify characters, plots, and settings from oral stories
● Find details in illustrated narrative or informational text read aloud
● Follow illustrated content-related procedures shared orally
● Organize real-life objects based on oral comparisons
● Organize information from oral comparisons of people or objects
● Identify claims about real-life objects or events based on observations or experiences
● Restate information with some details
● Summarize a series of familiar events or routines
● Connect ideas by building on guided conversations with peers
● Describe in detail the function of objects or roles of people
● Justify the use of objects for particular purposes
● Support content-related ideas with examples
● Construct models based on instructions from extended oral discourse with a partner
● Follow multistep oral directions during content-related activities
● Organize causes and effects of various phenomena presented orally
● Use strategies and procedures shared by peers
● Identify claims and reasons from oral discourse
● Identify reasons for choices from oral stories
● Present information on content-related topics
● Share details about personal experiences with peers and adults
● State conditions for cause and effect
● Elaborate on details of content-related procedures
● Compare and contrast content-related ideas
● Provide evidence for specific claims
Language Proficiency Level
● Using pictures and illustrations to identify themes or storylines
● Matching vocabulary to illustrated stories
● Identify icons from illustrated texts or media with a partner
● Sort objects according to their use based on labeled illustrations
● Categorize labeled pictures or photographs
● Identify opinions from illustrated statements
● Form words using a variety of strategies
● Answer Wh- oral questions or using icons to plan stories
● Design, draw and label content-specific models
● Identify topics through photographs, illustrated word walls, or software
● Indicate agreement with opinions of others using labeled drawings
● Draw icons or symbols to represent preferences
● Pointing to icons, letters, or illustrated words that represent ideas
● Identifying repetitive words and phrases in texts
● Match descriptive labels or headings to illustrated text
● Identify labeled illustrations signaled by Wh- questions
● Identify information related to events from graphics
● Share likes and dislikes using environmental print
● Providr information in graphic organizers
● Present content related information labeling visuals or graphics
● Label and illustrate observations over time
● Describe people, places, or objects from illustrated examples
● Produce simple sentences from models about likes, wants, and needs
● Supply facts about topics
● Identifying Wh- words in questions
● Recalling content-related information from illustrated texts read aloud
● Sort illustrated content words and phrases into categories
● Match labeled illustrations to “how” or “why” questions
● Identify persuasive words in written phrases or statements in context
● Identify language of wants and needs in illustrated short stories read aloud
● Describe feelings or reactions to personal events or situations
● Recall information from events or experiences
● Classify illustrated words and phrases into groups
● Compare real-life objects, numbers, or animals using models
● Participate in interactive journals with peers
● State preferences related to social and academic topics
● Identifying the main topic of texts
● Ordering illustrations based on sequence of events from texts read aloud
● Find details in illustrated narrative or informational texts read aloud
● Identify what authors say in oral stories
● Distinguish characters' opinions or preferences from illustrated text read aloud
● Determine the author's point of view from illustrated texts
● Produce a series of related sentences from transition word starters
● Describe observations firsthand or from media
● Describe models related to content-related phenomena in pictures or real-life
● Express feelings and a reason related to situations or events
● Describe patterns in processes and stories to use as evidence
● State reasons for particular claims or opinions in content-related topics
● Distinguishing among characters, settings, and events in narratives
● Reconstructing texts read orally using drawings or reenacting text with performances
● Order content-related events according to information in illustrated texts
● Identify steps or stages of content-related processes or events from informational or explanatory texts
● Determine what happens next from illustrated observations
● Identify evidence or reasons in peers' written text
● Compose stories or narratives using sequential language
● Edit personal narratives based on criteria for success
● Describe causes and effects of actions and strategies
● Sequence steps in solving problems using short sentences, illustrations, and symbols
● Provide simple edits to peers' writing
● Elaborate content-related claims with examples