Gifted & Talented Program Overview

PATH (Program for the Academically Talented of Hawthorne) is the districts formal structured regularly scheduled pullout enrichment program with a multi-criteria selection procedure for academically talented students. The program is primarily process-oriented, that is, focused on the development of skills and thinking processes rather than on a specific body of content.  The program is designed for students in Grades 2-5.  In PATH, the curriculum enhances content that is not found in the classroom text, but are areas that are selected for their adaptability to the development of the program's objectives  and tailored for process skills & critical thinking.  The Network is an enrichment program for grades 6-12 which strives to challenge students in a variety of areas. It allows them to take advantage of creative and academic opportunities that extend far beyond classroom curriculum. It strengths lie in both the self-nomination component and the non-pullout format. Students select programs based upon interest and time available. Activities demand varying amounts of preparation, ranging from two periods a week to six months.  The PLUS program is an enrichment program for students in grades K-12.  Selection for the many and varied programs that fall under the umbrella of PLUS is based upon classroom and enrichment teacher collaboration using available grades, scores, and observations.  

Overview of Selection Process

The procedures for each program, PATH, NETWORK, and PLUS are outlined.  Identification for regularly scheduled PATH classes is reviewed twice per year in each elementary school.  All identification meetings scheduled are required to have at minimum of five committee members in attendance.  The multi-criteria identification process uses a blind matrix.  Only the committee chair (Enrichment Teacher) knows the student identities. The data used for identification includes:  Standardized Test Scores, Grades, Benchmark data, teacher recommendation and the Renzulli-Hartman Scale of Behavioral Characteristics of Superior Students.  Identification for the NETWORK program (6-12) is ongoing and takes place September - May by the teacher and coordinator.  Teacher recommendation initiates the identification process at the end of the 1st marking period.   The data used for identification includes:  Standardized Test Scores, Grades, written  teacher recommendation and the Renzulli-Hartman Scale of Behavioral Characteristics of Superior Students.  Students automatically become a Member of NETWORK if they were identified and enrolled in PATH and grades are consistent.  The PLUS program selection is based on program i.e. Symposium for the Arts, Battle of the Books or classroom differentiation.  The enrichment teacher and classroom teachers work closely together to meet the needs of these students.  

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