Language Proficiency Level
Point to pictures described orally in context
Find familiar people, places, or objects named orally
Identify illustrated activities described orally
Follow modeled actions to show likes or dislikes
Identify personal choices
Classify everyday objects by descriptive features
Repeat words, simple phrases or expressions from familiar stories
Participate in group songs, chants, or poems using physical movement
Identify familiar objects used in everyday routines and activities
Rehearse and act out key steps in procedures or classroom routines following models
State personal likes from oral prompts
Name choices from models
Respond with gestures to songs, chants, or stories
Match familiar pictures, objects, or movements to oral statements
Match real-life objects to illustrations about their use
Identify people and places associated with everyday events
Discriminate between words and phrases related to personal choices
Identify oral preferences stated by others
Restate some language associated with illustrated short stories
or informational text
Re-enact various roles when interacting in pairs or in small groups
Describe uses of everyday objects or roles of familiar people
State attributes and classifying objects into categories
State personal preferences
Agree or disagree with familiar questions
Act out songs, chants, stories and poems with gestures
Follow one step directions
Identify language associated with features of objects or print
Follow peer-modeled oral commands with a partner
Act out opposites using gestures
Respond nonverbally to show agreement or disagreement with opinions
Retell main events in short narrative stories using pictures
Describe attributes of familiar objects, people, and places
Compare sizes of familiar phenomena
State reasons for classroom routines or procedures
State personal preferences or opinions
Predict everyday situations or events from illustrations
Role play in response to illustrated stories read aloud
Match descriptions of content-related topics to illustrations or graphics
Draw individual phases or steps to “how” questions
Point out illustrated details that match oral descriptions of cycles or procedures
Draw to make predictions from illustrated stories read aloud
Classify fact from fiction in oral discourse
Retell familiar stories through pictures
Share personal stories or experiences
Describe classroom routines
Compare and contrast placement of real-life objects and phenomena
Express likes, dislikes, or preferences with reasons
Give reasons for classifying familiar objects
Arrange content-related objects or illustrations according to oral discourse
Make patterns from real objects or pictures based on oral direction
Identify illustrations related to cause and effect from oral information
Reenact procedural information obtained from videos or other media
Agree or disagree with oral claims using gestures
Identify reasons for choices in real life scenarios)
Relate school-based content and personal experiences with peers and adults
Rephrase events from stories or information
Provide details related to classroom activities and tasks
Describe steps in familiar cycles and processes)
Offer personal opinions about content-related ideas
Give reasons for content-related information when modeled