ELL Progress Reports Grades 6, 7 and 8

Middle School ELL Progress Report

Student's Name: ________________________________________ Date: ______________________

Language Proficiency Level













● Identify familiar objects or places from oral statements

● Point to objects, people, or places based on short oral descriptions

● Match instructional language, given orally, with visual representation

● Identify functions of content-related topics based on short oral statements reinforced visually

● Signal
agreement or disagreement of short oral statements or questions

● Identify points
of view from short statements

● Answer select Wh-questions

● Name and briefly describe past community or school events using visual support

● Compare attributes of real-life objects with a partner

● Show how to solve real-world problems using symbols, numerals, graphs, or diagrams

● Respond yes or no to short statements or questions related to a claim

● Express personal points of view (in home language and English) in support of or against a claim




● Sequence labeled visuals per oral directions

● Identify settings or time frames in narrative or informational scenarios read aloud

● Classify content-related visuals per oral descriptions

● Match oral sentences of cause and effect to illustrations

● Identify claims from a series of
oral statements

● Identify evidence to support claims from charts and tables

● State main ideas or points of classroom conversations

● Restate details of content-related topics (in home language and English) in small groups

● Describe situations from modeled sentences

● Connect two content-related ideas that define “how” or “why”

● Answer simple questions related to claims

● State evidence to support claims (in home language and English)




● Match main ideas of familiar text read aloud to visuals

● State the next event in a series based on clues from narrative or informational oral texts

● Match main ideas of familiar text read aloud with visuals

● Show differences between or among content-related phenomena described orally

● Illustrate claims
or reasons from
oral narratives

● Identify
opposing perspectives
from oral text

● Relate a series of events by expressing time in multiple tenses

● Connect ideas in content-related discourse using transitions

● Demonstrate how to conduct experiments, engage in processes, or solve problems with supports

● State why events occur, phenomena exist, or some things happen

● Critique opposing claims

● Evaluate the value of options in content-based situations




● Identify main ideas and details in oral discourse

● Evaluate oral presentations of peers based on criteria for success

● Identify relationships between people, ideas, or events in oral discourse

● Match complex oral descriptions to images, graphs, or formulas

● Match evidence
to claims in oral discourse

● Formulate opinions based
on evidence presented within oral discourse

● Paraphrase and summarizing content-related ideas presented orally

● Connect ideas with supporting details in a variety of oral venues

● Compare content-related concepts

● Connect ideas with supporting details to show relationships

● Connect ideas with supporting details or evidence

● Take stances and summarizing ideas supporting them




● Categorize details of content-related main ideas seen and heard in videos or other technologies

● Sequencing a series of illustrated events from oral passages

● Carry out a series of oral directions to construct mathematical or scientific models

● Connect details to main ideas based on extended oral discourse

● Establish connections
among claims, arguments, and evidence, and compare opposing viewpoints presented in
oral discourse

● Produce oral multimedia, reports based on research from multiple sources

● Trace the evolution of literary characters, themes, and plots from different venues

● Give demonstrations with step-by-step details

● Evaluate the significance of events, people, or phenomena in oral presentations

● Engage in debates on content-related topics with claims and counterclaims along with reasonable evidence

● Defend points of view with specific claims

Language Proficiency Level













● Identify responses to Wh-questions in charts or illustrated text

● Identify icons in graphs, charts, and environmental print related to familiar topics

● Match content-related objects, pictures, or media to words and phrases

● Identify social or academic topics highlighted in text

● Identify words or phrases associated with topic choices

● Classify true from false short statements

● Produce labeled illustrations of conclusions reached in problem-solving with a partner

● Reproduce words and phrases related to topics

● Indicate relationships by drawing and labeling content-related pictures on familiar topics

● Describe processes or cycles by labeling diagrams and graphs

● Generate words and phrases that represent opinions

● Make lists of topic choices with peers




● Sequence illustrated text of narrative or informational events

● Locate main ideas in a series of simple sentences

● Compare ideas on the same topic in a series of simple sentences

● Identify how content-related phenomena relate to one another in illustrated text or media

● Distinguish facts from opinions in text

● Identify features associated with content-related claims

● Complete sentences using word banks

● Produce statements related to main ideas on familiar topics in home language and English

● Connect short sentences

● Compare illustrated descriptions of content-related concepts

● State opinions using evaluative language related to content

● Connect simple sentences to form content-related ideas




● Identify topic sentences, main ideas, and details in paragraphs

● Connect people to actions based on oral descriptions with details

● Illustrate relationships between main ideas and details in paragraphs

● Sequence steps or events to describe processes

● Identify claims and the reasons for each claim

● Identify opposing points of view

● Produce short paragraphs with main ideas and some details

● Compose dialogues or blogs based on personal experiences

● Compare and contrasting information, events, or characters

● Produce descriptive paragraphs around a central idea

● Substantiate opinions with content-related examples and evidence

● Provide feedback to peers on language used for claims and evidence




● Order paragraphs in narrative and informational text

● Identify summaries of passages in a variety of genres

● Match content-related cause to effect in graphically-supported text

● Highlight text evidence that points to how systems function

● Identify evidence to support analysis of what texts say

● Classify pros and cons of claims and evidence presented within written texts

● Produce content-related reports

● Reproduce a sequence of events or experiences using transitional words

● Describe relationships between details or examples and supporting ideas

● Connect content-related themes or topics to main ideas

● Craft persuasive pieces with a series of substantiated content-related claims

● Compose scripts with protagonists and antagonists




● Sequence main ideas, events, and conclusions in narrative and informational text

● Match details of content-related topics to main ideas

● Sort grade-level text by highlighting elements of the genre

● Sequence events based on cause and effect

● Evaluate evidence presented in support of claims

● Develop a stance in favor of or against claims presented within content-related text

● Produce research reports using multiple sources

● Summarize conclusions reached from steps in problem-solving or conducting experiments

● Produce informational text around graphs and charts

● Compare content-related ideas from multiple sources in essays, reports, and narratives

● Present opinions in persuasive essays or reports backed by content-related research

● Justify ideas using multiple sources

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