Hawthorne Public Schools One to One Information
The focus of the Chromebook Program in the Hawthorne Public School District is to prepare students for their future in a world of digital technology and information. As we navigate the 21st century, excellence in education requires that technology, including access to the Internet, be readily available and seamlessly integrated throughout the educational program. The primary learning tool of these 21st-century students in Hawthorne Public Schools is the Chromebook, a web-oriented device that provides the opportunity to connect student learning to all of the resources and information available online, anywhere, at any time. The individual use of Chromebooks is a way to empower students to learn at their full potential, to communicate and collaborate on analytical thinking and problem solving, and to prepare them for high school, college and the workplace. Technology immersion does not diminish the vital role of the teacher. On the contrary, teachers are critical to the effective use of technology in the learning process. To facilitate that, we have put in place the support structure to enable our teachers to learn about, implement, and enhance the integration of technology in instruction. Learning results from the continuous dynamic interaction among students, educators, parents, and the extended community. Together, we will reach our goal of using technology and applications to further enhance our instruction; provide project and problem-based learning; infuse critical thinking skills; ask “non-Google-able” questions; and capture those teachable moments in real time.
Hawthorne Public Schools Student One to One Handbook
Hawthorne Public Schools Teacher One to One Handbook
Hawthorne Public Schools Chromebook Troubleshooting Checklist
Chromebooks For Education Overview
Chromebooks and Google Apps training
This training site will help to orient students with the use of Chromebooks as well as Google Apps for Education. Some of the training videos incorporated into this training are more teacher-focused rather than student-focused. That said, it's a great place to start learning!
Google Classroom for students and parents
Digital Driver's License directions
All students in grades 3-12 will need to complete the Digital Driver's License below. Please click on the link, log in with your school issued email account and choose the school that you attend.
Digital Driver's License
Hawthorne Public Schools Helpdesk Link
Hawthorne Public Schools Helpdesk Video
Hawthorne Public Schools internet policies to review
Anti-Big Brother
School District Provided Technology devices to pupils
Acceptable Use of computers
One to One Frequently Asked Questions
Online safety
Provides resources for learning about online safety
Common Sense Media
Great website for parent-friendly movie and app reviews.
Cyber-safety resources for parents.
Chromebook loss or theft form