Language Proficiency Level
● Match oral words and phrases to content-related pictures or objects
● Identify the topic in oral statements
● Sequence oral procedures or cycles with images
● Distinguish key words and phrases related to phenomena
● Match illustrations with oral points of view
● Identify language related to facts or opinions from oral presentations
● State key words and phrases associated with the content using visual or graphic support
● Communicate personal experiences orally
● Name components of phenomena using illustrations, photographs, or diagrams
● Demonstrate procedures
● State reasons for choices using words or phrases
● Answer yes/no or choice questions across content or personal preferences
● Classify time-related language in oral statements
● Connect the context of narratives
● Organize routine causal or sequential relationships described orally
● Follow oral directions to show recurring steps in cycles or problem-solving
● Sort evidence and claims from oral descriptions
● Distinguish words and phrases related to opinions or facts from oral statements
● Retell short stories or content-related events
● State procedural steps across content areas
● Give reasons why or how something works using diagrams, charts or images
● State key words or phrases in processes in a sequential order
● State opinions based on experiences
● Respond to opinion statements of others with personal preferences
● Identify the beginning, middle and end in oral retelling of a text
● Follow tasks and directions retold by peers
● Interpret cause and effect relationships in conversations
● Recognize relationships in a series of oral statements
● Identify different perspectives, stances, or points of view
● Recognize reasons for positions in oral presentations
● Present detailed content-related information that has been rehearsed
● State main ideas in classroom conversations on social and academic topics
● State clear sequential procedures to peers
● Compare data or information
● Express opinions using content-area specific language
● Present content-based facts that support a position
● Sequence events or steps based on oral reading of informational text
● Recognize the language of related genres
● Identify precise details, descriptions, or comparisons that support conversation
● Follow oral information on how or why phenomena occur
● Identify evidence that supports predictions or hypotheses
● Differentiate between multiple points of view in class discussions
● Give content-related oral reports
● Sequence steps to solve a problem
● Connect the sequential, cyclical, or causal relationships of content-related issues and concepts
● Present detailed information in small groups
● State relevant evidence for claims
● Respond to opinion statements of others with reasons or evidence
● Identify related information from multiple sources presented orally
● Recognize the key historical, scientific or technical language used in a mini-lecture
● Recognize language used to enhance the specificity of phenomena in class discussions
● Identify components of systems
● Distinguish certainty from uncertainty of spoken words or phrases in context
● Identify the degree of formality in oral presentations
● Convey personal and content-related experiences in a team
● Use technical and specific vocabulary when sharing content information
● Elaborate by adding precision and details to content-related sequence or causal phenomena
● Describe relationships of components within systems
● Support claims with evidence from various sources
● Use claims and evidence to persuade an audience