How do I Pre-Register?

Online Registration for new students to Hawthorne Public Schools
All Hawthorne Residents who are registering students must verify their residency. Please bring the following proof-of-residency documents. These requirements are in accordance with District Policy # 5111. You must contact the administrative assistant at the school your child will be attending to make an appointment.
LIST OF REQUIRED DOCUMENTS ( All documents must be officially translated in English)
1. If renting, an original lease, dated and signed, effective during the current school year. If no original lease available, affidavit forms are available on the website. They must be signed and notarized and a copy of owner's deed or tax bill attached. Affidavits will only be accepted in person at the Board of Education offices.
2. If resident owns the home, a recorded deed is required or a copy of a current tax bill/statement.
3. A copy of a current utility bill (i.e, PSE&G, House Phone, Water, Cable) with the name of the Hawthorne residency shown. If you have just moved in, please provide a work order for one of the above.
4. Proof of parent guardianship.
5. Birth Certificate (original) of child, if born in the U.S. Passport only if born outside the U.S. (Family Census Register may be needed if parent is not listed on Visa) According to policy # 5111, children shall be admitted to kindergarten provided he/she will have attained the age of five years on or before October 1 of the year in which admission is requested. To be eligible for admission to the first grade, a child shall have attained age 6 on or before October 1 of the attendance year, according to policy # 5112.
6. A current bank statement or vehicle registration showing the family name and Hawthorne address. (An additional current utility bill may be provided if bank statement or vehicle registration is not possible.) If you have just moved in, ask your bank to provide us with a letter indicating your Hawthorne address.
7. A health history form with up-to-date immunizations must be provided and reviewed by the school nurse before the student may enter school. (If entering from outside the U.S., a physical is needed within 30 days prior to school entrance) (If entering from within the U.S./current physical needed within a year prior to school entrance.)
8. Affidavits of Residency forms are available online.
9. Transcripts (translated in English) are required for Middle and High School-Last report card for elementary students.
***Please be sure to select the proper registration year from the drop down menu in the upper left coroner of the page.***
Pre-Registration Links and Forms
New Student Registration Link
Our Student Pre-Registration Process
1. Pre-register on-line by following the link above and answering all survey questions. You must provide 3 emergency contacts as well as Doctor and Dentist (click add contact tab)
2. Make an appointment for registration with the Administrative Assistant at your child's school.
3. Please bring 3 proofs of residency, original birth certificate and current immunization records with you for your appointment.
4. Students will not be considered enrolled until all documents are completed.